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Friday, July 27, 2007

further disillusionment

So now you're going to tell me astronauts are a bunch of drunks too?


Fuck everything.

Friday, July 13, 2007

whelp, guess I should write something

Yeah, I'm gonna try to put something in here before I slid back into the doom of not updating ever again.

What's on my mind? Eh, not much.

I saw the giant fighting robots movie last weekend, "The Adventures of a Horny Blue Collar Teen Featuring the Transformers" was a disappointment, much like last year's "Parker Posey Saves The World Featuring Superman As Jesus". Both were actually reasonably entertaining movies if you can forget how much better the source material is, the filmmakers obviously did. We got the original Optimus Prime's voice saying "One shall stand, on shall fall" but really that was about it. Oh, and Megatron complaining about how Starscream failed him, that was cool.

I happened to read the Pointy Headed Smart Person review in the Chicago Reader a couple of days later. The Pointy Headed Smart Person review is always the same for every summer blockbuster, something along the lines of: "The human actors sleepwalk through the affair knowing their own irrelevence, next to the real stars of the movie, the big special effects generated machines."

In this particular sleepwalked review, they got it exactly wrong, if the big, special effects generated machines WERE the stars, it would have been awesome, but they weren't. The movie unfolded entirely from the point of view of the human characters, who were boring, puny fleshlings. Great characters like Optimus and Megatron didn't even appear until like 90 minutes in, and were never remotely fleshed out.

It did lead to a great discussion between my friend Rob and I in which we realized that Megatron was a lot like Stalin, and Starscream was his Trotsky.

"You've failed me for the last time, Trotsky!"

Friday, July 6, 2007

I am the master of all reality

Apparently you can't comment on this website anymore, which, now that I think about it, isn't so bad. It's actually great. It means I don't have to deal with any of you trying to contradict me with your smartassitude or your "facts" and "logic". I get to define the universe with no dissent.

Also, it means that the ghastly Death Train has at last been silenced.

I saw some political comedy last night at the Second City Skybox (the part of Second City that makes no promises about being even remotely impressive) as I've said before, political comedy is lame when it emphasizes scoring points over making you laugh, and this was kinda like that but it had bright spots.

Made me think of the new Michael Moore movie, which I haven't seen yet. Now, I think Moore's movies are good because, even though he probably does care more about making rhetorical points than comedic points, he doesn't disguise that agenda, he's not pretending to do "comedy", he's just making arguments and making you laugh along the way, which I think is honorable.

But I kind of resent the subject matter of this movie, because I've always had a lot of dynamite health care jokes, which have always been cool and underground. Now they're going to be mainstream. Fucking Michael Moore.

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