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Saturday, July 29, 2006

what a lovely collection of minutes

So the horrors of Darknight tech week are at last behind me. The show has opened and opened well It's fun and everyone should come, Fridays and Saturdays at 8, Sundays at 3 at 1044 W. Harrison through the end of August (and everyone should come even more to the me written play in the Keyhole play festival, Saturday August 5 at 7:30, 9 and 10:30 at 1500 N. Bell)

After attending the opening night reception last night, I foolishly ventured to another one of those parties in Oak bloody Park (not that it wasn't a smashing time, Ms. Schoob) and as a direct consequence found myself sleeping until two in the afternoon today. Oy...

But now I'm actually alone? In my apartment? Doing nothing? And I get to do nothing for like, a whole nother hour? Sweet! What the hell am I doing on the Internet?

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