So Jack Ryan, the enemy of Barack Obama and hence, All That Is Good, is having some troubles. He used to be married to an actress named Jerri Ryan, who played the cheesecake Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager (proving once again that the Borg-Republican Party connections run deep) and they had a nasty divorce a few years ago. The records were just made public and supposedly there was some damaging stuff there, and rumors have been swirling for months. I haven't paid much attention to it, knowing Barack will win on his own merits, and I always assumed it was something fairly run of the mill, bit of conventional adultery perhaps, nothing that would destroy Ryan. But my goodness! As I was in bed last night I listened to a local news broadcast that informed me old Seven of Nine accused Ryan of forcing her to come with him to "Sex Clubs". SEX CLUBS! Tee hee, I say! Most radical right religious conservatives are pretty hypocritical when it comes to Republican pols, but SEX CLUBS! The descriptions were lurid and hilarious. People are kept in cages at these clubs. The corn fed aw shucks Boy Scout who the Republicans picked as their nominee for the U.S. Senate gets off on people in cages! Poor Jack! How humiliating! How simply frightful! How...delightful... Once again some fool learns the perils of fucking with my peeps.